Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of frequently asked questions about Iguana extermination in Florida. As well as some great information & videos on iguanas in the news, scientific research on iguanas, property damage caused by iguanas, Florida laws on Invasive Species such as Green Iguanas / Spiny-Tail Iguanas, etc… that has recently led the State to wage legislative war on Florida’s iguana populations and classify iguanas as one of the Top 10 problem invasive species in the state.

If you are looking for immediate help removing or controlling iguanas at your home/business; “Contact Us” for a Free Estimate. Or, click on the links below for more information on IGUANA EXTERMINATORS’ Iguana Removal, Iguana Control & Iguana Trapping Services:


Iguana Removal
IGUANA EXTERMINATORS specializes in providing effective and humane iguana removal services that targets those problem iguanas for rapid extermination & fast results
Iguana Control
We provide a number of uniquely customized and highly effective Non-Lethal Iguana Control Services that effectively stop iguanas from hanging around and discourages new ones from moving in
Iguana Trapping Services
IGUANA EXTERMINATORS utilizes a variety of deployable Non-Lethal Traps that are baited with enticing fruits/vegetables that iguanas love.

Iguana Removal Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

One of our most frequently asked questions is about the cost of iguana removal. According to a 2018 article in the SunSentinal, (https://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/fl-ne-iguanas-dead-legal-removal-20181011-story.html) “Iguana removal fees may range from $30 to $60 per iguana or more.” However, the short answer is it depends on the company chosen to perform the removal, the scope of the job, the number of iguanas removed, the method of removal used and the disposal cost. At IGUANA EXTERMINATORS, INC. we are fully licensed & insured and will gladly evaluate your unique iguana removal needs and provide you with a Free Estimate. “Contact Us” today for a Free Estimate.

Iguana Trapping - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that we often get about Iguana Trapping:

Links to Iguanas in the News

Links to Iguana Videos

Links to Florida FWC Info on Iguanas & Invasive Species

2021 Florida FWC Bans IGUANAS

Links to Scientific Research & Reports on Iguanas