Iguana Trapping Services

IGUANA EXTERMINATORS, INC. FWC Registered Nuisance Wildlife Trapper- Iguana Trapping Services

At IGUANA EXTERMINATORS we are a Licensed & Insured FWC Registered Nuisance Wildlife Trapper experienced with trapping invasive wildlife species like iguanas and understand the risks/laws involved in removing trapped iguanas safely. Our iguana trapping services follow all Florida Fish and Wildlife requirements for the safe and humane trapping of those nuisance iguanas that are causing you problems. Additionally, we never use any poisons or toxins and believe in protecting your family, pets and the environment. “Contact us” today for a Free Estimate.

We Only Use Non-Lethal Iguana Traps

Trapping services performed by IGUANA EXTERMINATORS utilizes a variety of deployable Non-Lethal traps such as the “Have a Heart” or “Tomahawk” style Traps that are baited with enticing fruits/vegetables that iguanas love. IGUANA EXTERMINATORS only uses Non-lethal traps that are checked daily per State requirements and all iguanas collected by trapping are humanly euthanized on site per FWC requirements.


Iguana Trap - Free Estimate

Iguana Trapping - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that we often get about Iguana Trapping:

When Should Traps be Used to Catch Iguanas?

Trapping is usually one of the first ways that comes to mind when considering how to get rid of nuisance wildlife. However, depending on your situation a trap may, or, may not be the best choice. While it is true that traps can provide a way of catching iguanas there are certain times when using traps offers the best solution. For example, trapping services are typically best used in the following situations:

  • As part of a multi prong removal strategy that supports the primary use of pellet gun for properties that have above average iguana populations.
  • In locations that would dissuade the primary use of pellet gun such as inside buildings or on school grounds.
  • When iguanas are in remote areas and/or in areas where access is prevented by barriers such as waterways / fences/ property line boundaries, etc.….
  • When dealing with Spiny Tail Iguanas due to their dangerous and highly aggressive nature as well as their tendency to remain close to their burrow.

In order for trapping to promote the best chance for success; each trap contracted for service will be deployed for a minimum of three (3) or five (5) days depending on the situation. Additional time and traps are also available for contracting


If you are needing faster and more effective ways of dealing with your iguana problem than traps are able to provide; please check out our Iguana Removal Services Page for more information on how we can immediately start neutralizing your problem iguanas.


Oftentimes many people think that Trapping that pesky iguana is a “do-it-yourself job”, but as they often times find out “the hard way” that just isn’t the case. People who attempt trapping on their own run a significant risk of injury to both themselves and/or the animal during the process. Not to mention the State of Florida has very strict laws in place for Trapping (types of traps allowed, which animals are permitted to be trapped, how often the trap must be checked, how to safely handle removing a trapped animal, what to do with the animal after it is trapped, what to do if you trap the wrong animal, etc.….) and people can very quickly find themselves in serious legal trouble if they don’t know or don’t follow the law. In short, it’s just not worth the risk to do it on your own. Instead, call us and let the professionals handle the situation.

The very short and very clear answer is “NO”. Due to recent changes in Florida law, there is no longer an option to relocate, rehome, sell or keep a live iguana in the State of Florida. Per Chapter 68-5 F.A.C…. As of April 29, 2021 Iguanas (all species of iguanas) have been classified as a “high-risk nonnative Prohibited species” and has been targeted by the State for Eradication and Control in an effort to remove an entire population so as to minimize its spread and impacts. Because of these changes to the law; it is now illegal to transport, sell, relocate, release, export, etc….a live iguana anywhere in the State of Florida. As a result, any iguanas captured or trapped alive are required by law to be euthanized on site.


Looking for a reputable local Iguana Trapper? Iguana Exterminators is a Licensed & Insured FWC Registered Nuisance Wildlife Trapper located in Fort Lauderdale, FL and servs Broward, Miami-Dade & Palm Beach Counties.  Please feel free to  contact us and we would be glad to put together a Free Estimate.


Please check out our “Iguana Services Main Pagefor more information on the effective & humane Iguana Removal & Iguana Control Services we offer.

Free Estimate – Contact Us

So, whether you are needing a one-time call out to deal with a problem iguana or you need ongoing service for a week/month/year/etc… for more serious iguana infestations we will be glad to put together a service plan that works for you. Contact us today for a Free Estimate.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)