Iguana Control & Prevention – The History of Iguana Populations in Florida

Iguana Exterminators' photo of significant accumulations of iguana feces/droppings into and around Pompano Beach residential pool illustrating the need for effective iguana control.

With Florida’s iguana populations continuing to increase, finding effective iguana control & prevention solutions especially in south Florida can be a trying endeavor and leaves many homeowners and businesses unsure of how to handle their iguana problem. Iguanas are hardy species who multiply fast – and have become an unwelcome part of the Florida ecosystem. However, just talk to any of the South Florida locals who have been here since the 70s and they will tell you how today’s need for having effective iguana control & prevention didn’t use to be such an issue. According to a publication by the University of Florida titled “Florida’s Introduced Reptiles: Green Iguana (Iguana Iguana)”; before the first reported sighting in Miami in the 1960s, the green iguana’s natural home range was limited to Central and South America, as well as an array of warm Caribbean islands. However, starting with an exotic pet dealer’s intentional release of more than 300 iguanas into the South Florida ecosystem in 1964. This, coupled with releases of untold numbers of pet iguanas by irresponsible owners and storms has created a substantial feral iguana breeding population that has quickly multiplied throughout South Florida’s warm climate resulting in the iguana invasion South Florida faces today.


Importance of Iguana Control & Prevention

Because of Florida’s iguana invasion, it’s important to use effective and reliable methods of iguana prevention & control to deter/exclude iguanas from invading your yard or property for many different reasons. First of all, iguanas can be extremely destructive. Iguanas are excellent climbers and are adept at scaling walls/fences/trees/houses/etc… They are also well known for destroying the structural integrity of buildings, seawalls and infrastructure, as well as tearing up rooftops, pooping in swimming pools and devouring landscaping. This is why finding the most effective combination of iguana control & prevention strategies that works for your unique location is such an important part of reducing the chance they will be digging destructive tunnels in your yard, pooping in your pool, living under your roof and eating your garden.

Not only that, but finding new and inventive ways of employing effective iguana controls is not only important for homeowners and businesses, but it is essential in preserving native Florida plants and wildlife being affected by the Sunshine State’s Iguana Invasion. With South Florida iguana populations estimated in the millions by some, the ravenous appetites of these invaders have put a big toll on species such as the Gray Nickerbean, which is a vine that lives on the coast. This vine plays an important part in feeding the Miami blue butterfly larvae, which is an endangered species. Because of this controlling South Florida’s invasive iguana population is essential in preserving native Florida flora and fauna.

From a Risk Management perspective; did you also know that damage to your home, commercial building, seawall or property caused by iguanas is NOT covered by your Homeowners insurance or CGL policy. And for “self-insureds” like many local governments in Florida are; the costs can add up quickly. For example…..In 2018, one single iguana caused a power outage that lasted 10-minutes at an electrical facility on Key West. In West Palm Beach, effective iguana control & prevention measures that deter of exclude iguanas could have helped mitigate almost $2 million in structural damage caused by tunneling iguanas at a local dam. As you can see, implementing effective forms of iguana control is not only important, it can become an expensive lesson when precautions aren’t taken. This is why calling an expert like Iguana Exterminators to develop an effective iguana control & prevention plan is such an important part in protecting landscaping, vegetation, native species, and in preserving infrastructure as well.


How We Do It

At Iguana Exterminators Inc., we implement effective iguana control & prevention measures by first assessing the situation to determine which forms of iguana control & prevention would be most effective for your location. Because the layout of each site is different, there is not a “one size fits all” solution for controlling or excluding iguanas from your community or business. This is why we offer a number of effective options in iguana control ranging from our custom clear tree wrappings that stop iguanas from climbing trees, to our seawall exclusion system, to capping your rooftop vent pipes iguanas use to come up your toilet or get into your HVAC, etc…etc…etc.. And depending on the situation we even have a non-lethal (but VERY memorable) electrical deterrent system that can stop even the most stubborn iguana from hanging around. We only offer effective means of handling your iguana problem and we won’t waste your time or money suggesting useless things like “sprays” that don’t work or $1 Store pinwheels that iguanas ignore.

No matter which type of iguana control or prevention is right for your home or business we keep your safety at the forefront of our business procedures, and we will walk you through the process to make sure your investment in which ever iguana control or prevention option you choose is completed in the safest, most effective way possible. Additionally, all of the different forms of iguana control & prevention that we offer comply with all of Florida’s laws and regulations, so you don’t need to worry about the ins and outs of whether the control or prevention options chosen for your location provides the right answer.

At Iguana Exterminators we are experts in the field of effective iguana control & prevention and have years of experience under our belts. Our extensive knowledge in developing and implementing effective ways of controlling or excluding iguanas reigns supreme when it comes to the business of deterring iguanas, so you can trust us to handle your iguana problem the right way the first time.

Contact us today and let us find the right solution for your iguana problem.

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