Iguana Trapping

Iguana trap off Bavview Dr. Fort Lauderdale shown baited with watermelon, fruits & flowers.


Iguana Exterminators Inc. specializes in iguana trapping that removes problem iguanas in the safest most humane way. Our iguana trapping experts are FWC Registered and comply with all of the Florida laws to effectively supply iguana trapping services for all of our client’s needs.


Benefits of Iguana Trapping

Iguanas are known to cause a lot of property damage and wreak havoc on your landscaping. Trapping offers another way of removing those problem iguanas before they destroy your garden, ruin your roof, eat your foliage, dig tunnels or cause excrements littering your lawn or pool. Because iguanas have little to no natural predators in Florida, their rates are rapidly rising and they’re causing a myriad of damages along the way.

Although it is legal in Florida for landowners to humanely kill and trap iguanas on their own private property, we would definitely not recommend doing so. Not only can iguanas carry diseases like salmonella, but they can also be aggressive depending on the breed or size. Not only that, but your method of removal must be listed as “humane”….And to top it all off it’s illegal to transport an iguana or release it elsewhere in Florida, so if you are uncertain of the best methods to get rid of the iguanas on your property, it’s best to leave it to the experts.

When dealing with common areas in condos and communities that have an HOA, it’s illegal for landowners to take it upon themselves to trap or exterminate iguanas. Because of this, it’s essential to employ a professional service like Iguana Exterminators Inc. to take care of the problem and do all of the iguana trapping in a professional manner.

In short, it is best to leave it to the experts when dealing with iguana trapping and extermination so that you don’t find yourself in a legal problem by running afoul of the law. Not to mention the risk of getting sick or injured in the process.


Our Proven Methods

Iguana trapping can be an essential tool in South Florida’s war on invasive species. Because iguana populations are on the rise and many home and business owners are spending a fortune in repairing damages done by iguanas alone. At Iguana Exterminators, Inc. we use a multitude of FWC listed methods for iguana extermination including iguana trapping, which is a great way to target aggressive iguanas, or iguanas that stay in hiding most of the time.

At Iguana Exterminators, Inc., we supply our non-lethal iguana traps with fruits and vegetables that iguanas love in order to coax those iguanas into our traps where they will be safely detained and ready to be removed. Iguana trapping is also a great tool to combine with use of the pellet gun for a multi-pronged approach to iguana removal. Trapping can also be used on its own in situations where it would not be appropriate to use a pellet gun as part of extermination process. With iguana trapping, the trap works 24 hours a day so we carefully choose the best locations to deploy our traps in order to lure as many iguanas inside as possible. Our iguana trapping methods are precise and designed to entice even the most elusive iguanas on your property so that you can rest comfortably knowing that the traps are out there working to curb your iguana infestation. At Iguana Exterminators, we follow all FWC Guidelines so we know all of the legal procedures that go into iguana trapping and we abide by strict guidelines that the State of Florida requires for safe and humane iguana trapping services.

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